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Writer's picture: Louie MonteithLouie Monteith

(Mark 16:3) And they said among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”

Have you been trying to gain entrance to somewhere in life, but it’s like a big stone is blocking the door? That’s how the women felt on resurrection morning. Jesus was crucified and laid in a tomb, but they wanted to give Him a proper burial with the anointing of spices. They had a willing heart and the materials on hand, but one big problem kept shutting them out. So they asked . . . who will roll away the stone?

Maybe that’s how you’ve been feeling recently. You are willing as your heart could be. You have everything on hand as far as resources are concerned. But it’s that one big heavy thing that is obstructing your progress. So, what do you do? Well, do what the women did:

-STEP OUT IN FAITH: The text says, “they came to the tomb”. That means they got moving toward their goal instead of their goal dropping into their lap. In this life of faith, we cooperate with God by doing our part in response to His leading in our lives. Remember Peter? He had to get out of the boat before he could float! (Mat 14:28-29) And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” 29 So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. Maybe God is waiting for you to do that part of faith that needs to be done. (Heb 11:6) But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

-LOOK UP: In the next verse it says they “looked up” (v. 4). To have that stone roll away from our lives we must look up to Jesus, for it is He alone that has the power to effect change. (John 12:21) Then they came to Philip . . . saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” When things don’t go our way, it’s easy to count the cracks on the sidewalk instead of the clouds in the sky! (Luke 21:28) Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” When you look up to Jesus, things start looking up!

Well, what happened in the rest of the story of the women at the tomb? The next verse says it all: (Mark 16:4) But when they looked up, they saw that THE STONE HAD BEEN ROLLED AWAY—for it was very large. God took care of the problem, and they walked right through that door! Isn’t that great how the Lord goes before us and takes care of the problems we face? No need to worry. No need to strive. God has it all figured out from the very beginning. (John 6:6) But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do. HE IS RISEN! And your door will be opening soon!!



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