(1 Tim 6:4) he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions,
Do you ever doubt people’s motives? Have you ever wondered if someone had your best interest in mind or not? Are you always on guard about people turning on you or taking advantage of you? Then you might have a bad case of suspicion!
Some of us have had it rough in life. And for some it started at a young age. We grew up kind of wise and street-smart well beyond our years. We had to. We learned early on that life is not a Disneyland fantasy atmosphere. We discovered that you had to take care of yourself because if you didn’t, people would mistreat you and take from you. Better build a wall of defense before you get hurt. Never trust anybody. Everyone is a suspect. Keep your eyes open. No one is that kind of heart. Everyone has an angle. Don’t be the next victim.
It’s true we are to be discerning in life. (Phil 1:9) And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment. We are not to be naïve and dumb. (Pro 14:15) The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps. But the Bible tells us that the love of God is real and can manifest in a fallen world and even through a sinner’s heart. (Rom 5:5) Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Therefore, we can believe the best in each other because we believe God’s love can flow from one heart to another. . . . (love) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails . . . (1 Cor 13:7-8). Because of this we have nothing to fear or shy away from. We can overcome our trust issues because we believe God’s love is the most powerful and healing force on earth.
Poor Saul. The man was riddled with suspicion. He didn’t trust anybody . . . especially David. Saul had let doubt and fear dominate his life. As a result, he became insecure and paranoid. He jealously guarded his position of power. When David showed himself valiant in battle the people praised David more than Saul. (1 Sam 18:7) So the women sang as they danced, and said: “Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands.”
One day David was playing the harp in the king’s presence. Suspicion overcame him, and he sought to strike before he was stricken. (1 Sam 18:10-11) And it happened on the next day that the distressing spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied inside the house. So David played music with his hand, as at other times; but there was a spear in Saul’s hand. And Saul cast the spear, for he said, “I will pin David to the wall!” But David escaped his presence twice. Saul never did recover. He sank deeper and deeper in the quicksand of quicksilver until he was no more.
Stop looking at people as suspects and start viewing them as prospects of God’s love. Don’t be deceived, don’t be naïve, but believe the best. Be rooted and grounded in God’s love and enjoy people and the great relationships you can have together in Christ!
(Mark 12:31) And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”