(Eph 1:23) which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
When you hear those love songs that sing about someone being your everything it sounds so romantic, but it is so wrong. No one person on earth can fill the void that lies in the human heart . . . except Jesus! I think it puts too much pressure on a relationship when the expectation is that the other person exists to fill all your needs and to make you happy. That place is reserved for Christ alone. (Psa 73:25) Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
Do you remember the story of the Transfiguration? Jesus was up on the mountain with Peter, James and John. All of a sudden Jesus became transfigured before their eyes. His face shone like the sun and his clothes as white as the light. Then Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus. Peter wanted to make this experience last forever by setting up a campsite. But a cloud overshadowed them, and God spoke and said how pleased He was with His Son. The disciples were so afraid they fell on their faces. Jesus assured them that everything was okay. And when they lifted up their eyes they saw no one but Jesus only. (Mat 17:1-8)
I love that . . . Jesus only! The three disciples would have enjoyed hanging out with Moses and Elijah. But when the experience was all over it was Jesus only. I think there's a lesson there. All we really need is Jesus in life. When you have Him you have everything! Relationships take on a new view. You know you are so loved and fulfilled by the Lord's love you don't expect so much from people. You'll give them space to be human and to make mistakes. They are fallen and sometimes won't be there for you when you need them. But that's okay . . . Jesus is enough! He died for us. Who can love us like the Lord?
Do you have someone in your life that really loves you? Do you know who is really loving you through that person? It's Jesus! (Rom 11:36) For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. So, if that person was not around or was far away you would still be loved by the Lord because His promise is that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Heb 13:5) He will be with us even to the end of the age. (Mat 28:20; John 13:1)
I'm rarely alone. Between my family and flock there are always people around. But I had the rare occasion to fly alone to England to see my daughter graduate from Bible College recently. It was so weird walking around the airport alone, checking in and then getting on the plane. I had to make a transfer on the East Coast and do this all over again. Everybody was a stranger. When I finally got to England I had to take the train a few hours to where Lindsay was. Again, it was so odd to travel alone and have no one with me. When I finally saw Lindsay at the train station it was such a delight to see her and to actually talk to someone I know!
But the whole time I sensed Jesus was with me. It was Jesus only. He was so close to me. I felt His presence in a special way. It was a privileged time with my Lord. I talked a lot with Him and shared what was on my heart. He guided me all the way in all the details of travel, which can be challenging at times. I read His Word and His fellowship was sweet to my heart. It was Jesus only. He's a great companion and Friend!
Well, I'm back now and life is busier than ever. But I learned something from that trip. Jesus is with me wherever I go. Whether I'm alone or with people, He is my all in all and is sufficient to meet my every need!