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Writer's picture: Louie MonteithLouie Monteith

(Rom 3:24) being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Do you ever watch those cop shows? You know, the ones where they arrest people and get it on video? The police get a tip and then go to the house and find drugs, domestic squabbles, and the like. There’s something about watching those shows that satisfies a curiosity but also brings a sense of justice that the bad guy is caught and is taken to jail.

The Bible says we fall short of the glory of God. It says we have violated God’s laws and stand condemned before a holy God. It says we are guilty and are deserving of eternal incarceration. What a scary thought! How many people know of their condemnation and of their eternal destiny without Christ? How many know their sins are stacked up against them like a rap sheet without end?

But there’s good news! Jesus took our sins and nailed them to the cross. He paid for our sins by His shed blood and now we have forgiveness. And what is the quality of forgiveness that we have? Does God forgive but not forget? Is He still angry with us and does He still have a list of our sins tucked away in His archives? Should I feel anxious about my past sins? Does this affect my relationship with God? Am I covered?

The doctrine of justification is important for every believer to know and understand. It means we are declared righteous in God’s sight through the merits of Christ and what He did for us on the cross. Justification is God’s righteousness credited to our account. It means our sins are forgiven, wiped out forever, with no trace of them before God. A good way to put it is:

Justified: “Just-if-I’d” never sinned.

Hey, I like that. No rap sheet on me. No record, no evidence, no documentation. No exhibit "A” or “B” because of “C” . . . Christ! Man can hold my faults over me. Satan tries to condemn me. Sometimes I can even put a guilt trip on my self. But that’s no good. I’m justified! Hallelujah!! I’m forgiven . . . forever.

“Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?” When the voices of condemnation come tell them Jesus died . . . that you’re justified . . . and then tell them good-bye!



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