(Psa 46:1) God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
When you're under a lot of stress it is natural to seek stress relief. Some of that stress relief is healthy like exercise, hobbies, a drive to the beach, etc. And some can be not so healthy like alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, spending, food, excessive TV and computer, fantasies, and the list goes on. What do you do when you get under stress? Run to the Lord!
In the Old Testament there were cities of refuge where you could run to when you were in trouble and be safe (Num 35). I remember when we were in Hawaii we visited a city of refuge that the Polynesians fled to for safety. We all need a place to run to when the going gets tough. It's only natural. You see a little child fall and hurt himself and what does he do? He runs to mom or dad. Where do you run? Do you run to your heavenly Father for comfort? (Pro 18:10) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.
In the New Testament Christ is seen as our refuge: (Heb 6:18) who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. Are you a lost sinner without Christ? Run to Jesus and let Him be your refuge of salvation. Are you being hassled by the devil? Run to Jesus and be safe! Let Him protect you and comfort you.
The world talks about sweet comfort from a bottle of whisky. That might be a temporary asylum but it can send you to the asylum if you keep at it! What you need is something that will build you up and not tear you down. Make sure the road you're on is not the road to destruction lined with daisies! (Pro 14:12) There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
We weren't made for all this stress of modern-day living. After awhile we get frazzled and need something to comfort us. Do you run to the Lord as your refuge and strength? Tell Jesus all your problems and worries. Give them to Him one by one before that burden gets so heavy it crushes you. The Lord is a very present help in trouble. You won't have to run far to reach Him. (Jer 23:23) “Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, “And not a God afar off?
Read Psalm 46 and meditate on how our God is a refuge and strength at all times. Even when the earth shakes and your world is rattled. There will be a river of peace that will flow through your life. God is in your midst and will help you at the break of dawn. The Lord makes wars to cease to the end of the earth, even in that battle you are presently facing. Be still, and know that He is God! It is repeated again that the Lord is with us and is our refuge. We need to hear it more than once because of the abundance of mental and emotional turbulence we constantly face.
The next time you face stress and are tempted to escape through fleshly means, run to the Lord by reading Psalm 46. Memorize at least the first verse and say it over and over again. Stop running to your natural way of avoiding stress. It has never served you well anyway. It may give you temporary relief but it will compound the problem and leave you guilty and more plagued in the end. Is that really worth it? Are you ready to give up your childish blanket of comfort for the strong comfort of the Holy Spirit in your life?
We all need soothing for what ails us. Will Jesus be enough for you? Are you ready to make Him your safe place? Not Jesus AND. Jesus ONLY! For He only is our refuge and strength. Take the comfort of His cross.